the full circle

Welcome to 'the full circle'. On this tour through our world, yours and ours, we shall explore various aspects that will take us a full circle. Initially and on close examination you will observe that it forms a web, a complex and erratic web; just like with a spider's web you will have to step back to see the full circle.You, the reader, are welcome to pose questions. These blogs/web-journal entries are Copyrighted by the creators of Ceirius.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Law of Limiting Resources

An object lying in disuse in every possible habitat is obviously not a resource. But in every environment every individual and its group (population or species) uses the available resources to its maximum and to their optimum. And every unused object (read resource) imports users (Niche occupation) or is exported out of the system till the resource can support no more users or cannot be exported economically any further. Thus the Law of Limiting Resources. But within a community a resource is used by every individual of the population and by individuals of other populations and by indviduals and populations of other species!?! Leading us into a reason for the limit on the resource - Competition.