The layers of life, or rather knowledge
All of life has a common base. And we understand life through the layers of knowledge accumulated over the ages. As long as we realize that there is no single answer to the questions of life, but the evidence and facts are laid out before us to make our own decisions.
All the knowledge and accumulated wisdom of the ages can be explained in a common and ancient language, a language that will be spoken by future civilizations and civilizations of the past, on Earth and beyond – mathematics. Mathematics in itself is not a science, rather it’s the language used to explain physical, chemical and biological phenomena. In the hierarchy of knowledge, resting on this mathematical base are concepts of physics and almost at the same level are molecules of chemistry that interact on the principles of chemistry and physics. Finally comes Biology. Biology is the result of an extremely rare interaction of specific molecules under extremely rare conditions in the universe. Biology as we know it is atleast 3 billion years old and has resulted in tremendous diversities of life through out the ages upto today. So is that all there is to the fundamental layers of knowledge and life ? Did we forget that once biology reaches the most advanced levels of evolution known, that it will start having a mind of its own, a conscious thought – and thus we come to the science of Behaviour and specifically Psychology.
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